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Home-Monitoring Technology: Is it a Good Idea for the Elderly?

Home-Monitoring Technology: Is it a Good Idea for the Elderly?

Elder Care in Henderson NV
Elder Care in Henderson NV

Are you taking care of your elderly loved one? If so, are there days when you can’t make it to their house? Maybe, you even live quite far away and can only visit with your elderly loved one about once a month. If this is the case, Elder Home-monitoring technology may be a good idea.

Fell in the Past

Has your elderly loved one ever fallen in their house? Sure, they may claim it was just a slight misstep. However, studies show that elderly people who fall once are more likely to fall again. They may be worried about falling which can make their balance even worse. If your elderly loved one has fell in the past, it may be time to get home-monitoring technology. There are necklaces, bands, and bracelets they can wear. If they do fall or if they feel as if something isn’t right, they can push the button on the device. It can alert you, an elder care provider, or the police.

Spending a Lot of Time Alone

How much time does your elderly loved one spend on their own? Many senior citizens go days or even weeks without seeing another person. This can lead to a lot of issues. If this is the case for your elderly loved one, it may be a good idea to have a home camera system installed. With some of these camera systems, you can talk to your elderly loved one through them and they can talk back. It can be a great way to communicate and to visually see what is going on at your elderly loved one’s house.

Watching for Cognitive Issues

Another reason why you may want to get home-monitoring technology for your elderly loved one is to watch for cognitive issues. If you aren’t there often, you may miss out on the signs of dementia or other cognitive conditions. While a home camera system can’t replace face-to-face check-ins, it can be a great help during the times you can’t be there to see your elderly loved one. If you do start noticing issues, you can hire elder care providers to care for your elderly loved one.


These are some of the reasons why you might want to get home-monitoring technology for your elderly loved one. Now that you know how beneficial this type of technology could be for them, you can start looking into which systems or products to get.


If you are considering elder care in Henderson, NV for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.