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Keeping Mom Safe on the Fourth of July

Keeping Mom Safe on the Fourth of July

One of our nation’s biggest holidays is right around the corner, opening the door for lots of fun celebrations around the country. The Fourth of July is a great time to celebrate with friends and family by having a barbecue or going out and watching the fireworks. Depending on local laws, some families even decide to light off their own small fireworks or at least wave around sparklers in the air as everyone sings “The Star Spangled Banner.”

With any large celebratory event, there also comes risks, especially if your loved one has limited mobility or cognitive functions. Those age-related conditions can take a celebratory holiday and create a stressful day or evening for your loved one that may lead to fear, anxiety, and even injury.

Let’s take a look at some ways you can keep your loved one safe this coming Fourth of July. Many of these tips may also help you with the coming holidays as well.

  • Make sure your loved one has a companion nearby. If you don’t live near your loved one, or cannot be nearby during some holidays, having an in-home care provider is a great resource for your loved one and a wonderful peace of mind for you. An in-home care team will ensure someone is there with your loved one at all times so if your loved one starts to feel uneasy, they will have someone to calm their fears as fireworks explode in the night or the kids down the block let off their 20th package of firecrackers.
  • Celebrate but on a smaller scale. If your loved one still wants to watch the fireworks but can no longer walk to the viewing area or brave those crowds, an in-home care provider may be able to help by setting up an area outside to watch the fireworks off in the distance. Together they may even find a place to drive to and sit in the car and watch the fireworks from afar, making the time to exit afterward a lot less stressful.
  • Many families love a good cookout on the Fourth of July. If your elderly loved one always hosted the family for grilling hot dogs and eating potato salad, don’t have her do it alone this year. Ask someone else to be in charge of the grill and ask family members to help bring the food (and clean up afterward!) so your loved one can enjoy having family over without over-extending herself. An in-home care team can be another great resource for helping her set up for the party as well.
  • Forbid all home fireworks. While many may seem safe, even a simple sparkler can cause burns and possibly lead to a small fire starting. If your loved one is gathering with family, let them know they need to keep their fireworks at home and not bring them with them. The risks are not worth the reward.

Your loved one deserves the chance to celebrate our nation’s birthday while also remaining safe and having fun. You might find a few things will need to be done differently to allow her to participate this year, but she can still have fun while staying safe during the holiday celebrations. Don’t forget to take plenty of photos to keep those memories alive for generations to come.

If you are considering in-home care in Summerlin, NV for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.