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What Happens With Personal Care as Alzheimer’s Progresses?

Senior Home Care in Henderson NV
Senior Home Care in Henderson NV

There are three main stages of Alzheimer’s disease. But, there are several stages within the early, middle, and late stages. Some medical practices focus on five, but many others, including Penn Medicine, feel there are seven. Take a closer look at these seven stages of Alzheimer’s to learn how each one will affect your dad’s personal care routines. Knowing them in advance helps when it comes to arranging personal care at home services.

Early Stages

In the early stages, your dad’s need for help with personal care will not be present yet.

  • First Stage – Alzheimer’s is present, but it’s not noticeable yet. Changes are happening, but it’s going to take some time to realize that there’s something wrong. It will progress from here.
  • Second Stage – This is where basic forgetfulness comes into play. Your dad will start forgetting he’s told you something. He may lose his keys and not be able to retrace his steps.
  • Third Stage – Memory loss and forgetfulness are impossible to ignore at this point. Your dad calls you and tells you that you haven’t talked to him in months. It was just ten minutes ago that you hung up the phone. He’s forgetting to pay bills, he’s spending more than he has, and he may make appointments, but he doesn’t remember he’s made them.

Middle Stages

As you move into the middle stages of Alzheimer’s disease, your dad’s need for help with certain tasks is obvious. He’s going to need cues to make sure he’s using the toilet when he needs to.

  • Fourth Stage – Cognitive function is declining. Your dad forgets where he lives. He goes out for walks and can’t remember what his house looks like. He doesn’t know what month it is, and he may start to dress inappropriately for the weather. He tries to bathe as he always has, but he’s starting to use the wrong products, such as body wash for moisturizer or mouthwash for aftershave.
  • Fifth Stage – Emotional and mental changes start to take place. Your dad may start worrying that people are stealing from him. He may accuse you. He’s hiding items from others. He withdraws and doesn’t want to leave his bed or home.

Late Stages

In the final two stages, your dad is dependent on others for most of his daily routines.

  • Sixth Stage – He cannot bathe alone. He forgets to use the toilet and has many accidents. He’s not feeding himself anymore, and his fine motor skills are diminishing, so he has to have others trim his nails or brush his teeth. He stops talking more than babbling or randomly blurted words.
  • Seventh Stage – The seventh and final stage often finds your dad confined to bed or a wheelchair. He needs sponge baths and spoon-feeding if he’ll eat at all.

Personal care at home is one of the best ways to ensure your dad’s grooming and hygiene routines are kept up. Caregivers can help him properly clean himself in the shower. They can help him shave and brush and floss his teeth. Talk to an expert in personal care at home about your dad’s Alzheimer’s progression to determine what help he needs.


If you are considering personal care at home in Henderson, NV, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

The Difference Between Forgetting and Dementia

Home Care in Henderson NV
Home Care in Henderson NV

It is natural to forget things from time to time. It’s why people keep reminders on their phones and sticky notes on their refrigerators. Memory loss may become more common as people age, but it is often normal. So, how can aging adults tell if they are experiencing dementia symptoms? And how do they know when it’s time to seek medical attention?

Home care is trained to help seniors with daily reminders and living on their own. Many seniors want to age in place, but it can be difficult to forget things. Although this is a sign of dementia, forgetting things is also just part of aging. When it becomes an everyday thing or becomes dangerous for a senior, they should seek medical attention.

You can use some signs to tell if it is average forgetfulness or dementia. They may seem the same, but they are not. When a senior has dementia, home care can help take the pressure off of the senior. It is important to have professional help from your parents when you are too busy taking care of your own family. Here are some signs that a senior may forget, and others may indicate dementia.

Normal Symptoms of Aging

There are a few things that are normal for seniors to experience as they age.


Absentmindedness is similar in that it relates to the focus of your brain. For example, you may forget an appointment simply because you were not preoccupied with the thought of it. This could be a good thing, because it indicates that the brain is clearing out old memories to make room for new ones.

Mental Illness and Forgetfulness

People suffering from depression are sometimes misdiagnosed as having dementia symptoms. According to the institute, one reason for this could be that a person suffering from depression may be preoccupied with the source of their sadness and anxiety. Constantly worrying about or obsessing over a recent tragedy can cause forgetfulness about other subjects.

Signs of Dementia

One of the only ways to get diagnosed with dementia is by seeing a doctor regularly. There are also stages of dementia, and seniors may not be diagnosed properly. Here are some potential signs of dementia.

Seniors Forget Important Things

Dementia symptoms extend beyond simply forgetting where an object is or when an appointment was scheduled. Symptoms include forgetting the names of close friends and loved ones and an inability to recall certain words. When an elderly person exhibits these symptoms of extreme forgetfulness, it’s a good idea to make an appointment with a doctor.

Seniors May Experience Personality Changes

A senior in the middle stages of this disease may experience increased aggressive behavior, paranoia, or impulsiveness. This is frequently the most challenging aspect of the disease for caregivers. According to the association, it is normal for senior caregivers to be stressed out by these symptoms.

Becoming Disoriented

Another common dementia symptom is the tendency to become disoriented in new situations. When an older adult with dementia moves to a new location, the unfamiliar stimuli may cause anxiety. When seniors with dementia are disoriented, they may appear lost to onlookers and become easily irritated with their home care providers.


If you are considering home care in Henderson, NV, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

What Are the Best Ways to Take Your Mom Out When She Has Dementia?

Companion Care at Home in Henderson NV
Companion Care at Home in Henderson NV

As dementia progresses, it gets harder to take your mom out of the home. She becomes fearful because nothing is familiar. She doesn’t even recognize her house when you drive back in the driveway.

Before you take her out, ask yourself if she really needs to go. While she has to be there for appointments, a trip to the grocery store isn’t necessarily essential for her to attend. When you have to take her out, these tips can help make it less stressful for both of you.

Tell Her It’s Time to Go an Hour in Advance

If your mom tends to delay getting ready, tell her it’s time to go an hour or so in advance. If you have to leave at noon, tell her it’s time to go at 10:50. That way, her repeated trips to the bathroom to brush her teeth, take a shower, or go to the toilet again won’t make you late.

Have Something Tempting to Get Her to Follow You

You might have to tempt your mom to follow you. You know she loves chocolate. Have her favorite chocolate in hand and use that to get her out to the car. Keep repeating that she can have it as soon as she’s in the car.

You might not want her having food in the car. Use something equally tempting like her favorite cellphone game, a book, or a magazine.

Promise to Go to Her Favorite Place

Instead of telling her she has to see her doctor, tell her you’re going to lunch at her favorite restaurant. You can keep that promise, but do it after she’s gone through her appointment. Once she’s seen her doctor, go out to lunch or for an early dinner.

Have Someone Else With You

It can be easier to manage trips out if someone else is helping. You have to go shopping, but you also have to take your mom to her dentist. Bring someone else.

While you’re shopping, you may find your mom keeps adding things to the cart that she says she needs. The person with you can be running the extra items back when she gets distracted by something else.

Arrange Companion Care at Home for Her

Sometimes, it’s better to leave your mom at home. While you may be used to weekend shopping trips together, it may be overwhelming to her now. Hire a companion care at home aide to spend time with her when you’re running errands. A companion care at home specialist can help you understand the pricing and how to schedule services.

If you are considering companion care at home in Henderson, NV for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.