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How Does Home Care Help Families Stay Involved?

No one can do everything, and that includes even the most involved family caregivers. When family caregivers want to make sure that the seniors they love are getting all the help they need, home care services are often the best choice. Home care providers offer hands-on help that ensures seniors are getting their needs met and that family members are able to keep juggling all of their responsibilities.

What Is Home Care?

Home care services offer seniors essential support that helps them to stay independent and safe while they age in place, or stay in their homes for as long as they can. The types of help that elder care providers offer can include help with activities of daily living like showering, brushing their teeth, and changing clothes. Professional caregiver assistance is also helpful with preparing meals, mobility, and light housekeeping tasks, among other necessary tasks. Caregivers can also help with transportation, mobility, and companionship.

Involving Family Members in Care Plans

While elderly care providers have experience helping seniors with their daily needs, family members offer a different type of support. Family members and family caregivers know their seniors est. They understand a lot more about what seniors want to do with this stage of their lives and they want to do all they can to make those goals possible.

Effective Communication Is Key

Communicating effectively keeps everyone involved aware of what is going on, what challenges are cropping up, and how the senior’s needs are changing. Keeping family members involved in the care of the senior they love means ensuring that everyone is working toward the same goals. This leads to the best outcomes for the person receiving care.

Personalized Care Plans Work Better

Needs change and they’re unique from one senior to another. Home care providers are able to help families figure out what their aging adults need most and how to help them get those needs met. Keeping care plans flexible allows families to adjust as their senior’s needs, health, and even preferences change. Keeping up with those changes is a lot easier with experienced help from caregiving professionals.

Flexibility Helps Families Adjust

It can be tough for family caregivers to come to terms with how much life is changing for the seniors they love. So many family caregivers once relied on the seniors in their lives for their own care and well-being, and experiencing the changes in those roles can be tough to adapt to. Help from home care services and using flexible care plans gives family caregivers the time and space they need to come to terms with their new normal.

Seniors are always better off when they have family members involved in their care as much as possible. Home care services make it easier for family caregivers and seniors to find the support and resources they need to make the most of this experience. Overall, seniors benefit because they have support from dedicated home care providers and from the family members who love them.

If you are considering home care in Las Vegas, NV for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

National Relaxation Day: Take a Break with Help from Alzheimer’s Care

Your dad has Alzheimer’s and it’s progressing into the more challenging stages where he isn’t sleeping, he becomes angry at small things, and he never sits still. It’s getting hard to complete everything you need to do. You’re stressed and anxious and don’t see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel.

August 15th is National Relaxation Day and time to focus on yourself. Take a break, and plan a day where all you do is relax. Here are some of the things you can do to de-stress and unwind.

Catch Up on Sleep

When was the last time you slept all night without having to get up to tend to your dad? He barely sleeps, so it’s been months or even years since you haven’t had to get up in the middle of the night.

On National Relaxation Day, sleep in. Catch up on the sleep you’ve been missing. As long as you have some water nearby to keep you hydrated, there’s no reason to get up at a specific time. Sleep in.

Read a Book

Find a quiet spot, fill up an insulated bottle with your favorite drink, set up a plate of cheese, crackers, and fresh fruit, and read. Don’t let worries distract you from the escape you get in a book. If the book you chose isn’t grabbing your attention, try another. With sites like BookBub, there are hundreds of free books you can download to your e-reader, laptop, tablet, or phone.

Head to the Beach

Find the nearest beach and pack a picnic lunch. Sit and listen to the waves lap the shore, watch your children play in the water, and go on walks to look for things like fish, turtles, crustaceans, shells, etc. Make sure it’s a day where you ignore your phone and focus only on enjoying time together and being outside in the sun.

If the beach isn’t appealing, choose a state park, a waterfall, or even your backyard pool. Just make sure you’re relaxing and not reading emails or checking messages constantly.

Go on a Trip for a Weekend

Pack your bags, book a hotel or cottage, and get away for a weekend. You don’t have to go far, but make sure you have a change of scenery. Spend that weekend, exploring historic sites, hiking in the mountains, touring museums, or trying the area’s different restaurants and food trucks.

Is It Time to Bring in Help?

Use National Relaxation Day to focus on taking care of yourself for a change. It’s easy to devote your full attention to your dad’s care needs, but you cannot lose yourself in the process. Take at least one day to relax, de-stress, and enjoy having time for yourself.

As you do, consider the benefit of Alzheimer’s care. Your dad’s care needs keep increasing, and it’s getting to be a lot to do each day. With Alzheimer’s care aides helping with the time-consuming, difficult care tasks, you’ll be less stressed, calmer, and more clear-minded. That ensures the care you give your dad is the best care possible.

If you are considering Alzheimer’s care in Henderson, NV for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.