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The Benefits Of Scrapbooking For Seniors

Scrapbooking is a great hobby for seniors to try. It gives them the chance to go through old photos and journals, stoke memories, and put together a family history that can be passed down through multiple generations. But scrapbooking can require a lot of precise movements that may be difficult for seniors who have trouble with their joints. Cutting, pasting, and writing can all be challenging for seniors who have poor dexterity or fine motor skills. Companion care at home can help seniors try a lot of different activities, including scrapbooking.

Companion care at home is specialized care for seniors who are unable to get out of the house frequently. Regular visits from a companion can prevent seniors from getting lonely and help them try new activities and games, like scrapbooking.

A companion can talk to your senior parent about family history and listen to their stories, providing the social engagement that your mom or dad needs. And they can help your mom or dad shop for scrapbooking supplies and pick up supplies from the store. Companion care at home helps your senior parent get the benefits of scrapbooking, including benefits like:

Memory Preservation

Scrapbooking helps seniors document and preserve precious memories and life stories. It evokes memories and can help seniors relive happy times of their lives. And it helps seniors create a family record that can be very important to future generations.

Cognitive Engagement

Scrapbooking is fantastic for seniors who need cognitive engagement, like seniors with Alzheimer’s. The activities involved in creating scrapbooks make seniors practice skills like problem solving, spatial orientation, and more. It’s a fun way for seniors to maintain their cognitive skills that doesn’t feel like a chore.

Stress Relief

Scrapbooking is a great way for seniors to reduce stress and manage anxiety. Studies show that making things or working with their hands can calm seniors. And immersing themselves in memories of people they loved and happy times can reduce loneliness and anxiety. Having a companion to help them scrapbook also provides important socialization.

Fine Motor Skill Practice

Scrapbooking enhances hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills through cutting, gluing, and arranging. It can be a form of occupational therapy for a lot of seniors. If your mom or dad has problems with their joints they may want to wear specialized fingerless gloves that help promote circulation and prevent joint pain when seniors are working with their hands.

Sense of Accomplishment

Scrapbooking gives seniors a sense of pride and achievement in creating something meaningful and beautiful. It also can give them purpose, help them express their creativity, and help them make friends.

Online groups for scrapbooking can help seniors by inspiring ideas, giving them a place to share their work, and giving seniors the chance to talk online with other seniors who love scrapbooking. Social media can also give seniors a wonderful way to share their creations. Your senior parent may even end up going viral for their artistic creations if they share them on social media.


If you are considering companion care at home in Las Vegas, NV for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

Are There Signs of Loneliness and Social Isolation in Seniors?

Humans are social beings, although the individual needs do vary in terms of how much socialization is right for each person. When aging adults aren’t getting enough social interaction, there are signs, even if they might seem a bit subtle. Family caregivers can stay alert for these indications, which then allows them to put solutions in place, like bringing in companion care at home to spend time with seniors.

Physical Signs

Sometimes physical signs are the easiest ones to spot in aging adults. Seniors might experience changes in appetite or weight loss that they didn’t intend. Unfortunately, changes in eating habits can quickly lead to malnutrition, so this needs to get addressed quickly. Other physical signs might include reduced energy levels or fatigue. Some seniors may also start to neglect their personal hygiene or their appearance might change.

Cognitive Signs

For some seniors, loneliness and social isolation cause cognitive symptoms. That might look like confusion or forgetfulness that have increased over time. Or seniors might have trouble concentrating, making decisions, or solving problems. Sometimes seniors don’t realize they’re not getting enough social engagement and start to worry that these signs are related to true memory problems or cognitive illnesses like dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Resolving the emotional issues, like the loneliness, helps to reverse these symptoms.

Emotional Signs

Many aging adults experience the emotional symptoms of isolation and loneliness. Some of these look very much like depression, including persistent sadness, irritability, or mood swings. Seniors may also appear less interested in hobbies or activities that they usually love engaging in. These signs often appear because seniors are frustrated by how they’re feeling and how much they miss social interactions.

Tips for Family Caregivers

Family caregivers are already doing so much. In fact, it’s so easy to overlook some of these signs when family caregivers are balancing caring for seniors with other obligations, like a career and caring for others. Taking the time to regularly communicate with seniors and really stop to listen can help. Non-verbal cues may say a lot more than seniors will verbally, too. It can be tough for anyone to admit that they’re lonely and that they need more companionship.

Companion Care at Home Can Help

Home care services are a great way to offer seniors hands-on assistance with tasks. But if what seniors primarily need is companionship, then companion care at home is the better solution. Companion caregivers drop in to visit with aging adults, spending time with them engaging in hobbies, building meaningful connections, and just talking with seniors. This is a powerful way for seniors to get the emotional support and social engagement that they have been missing. These visits can happen on a timetable that suits the aging adult, making it convenient for them and their needs.

Recognizing that there’s something missing is the truly important first step in solving the problem of social isolation. Companion care at home offers personalized emotional and social support, helping seniors to reduce their loneliness and isolation and promoting a fulfilling life.

If you are considering companion care at home in Summerlin, NV for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

What Are Some Common Issues Home Care Can Help Seniors Manage?

Daily life brings some big challenges for seniors, especially when their health begins to deteriorate. Fall risks, cognitive issues, mobility challenges, and more all bring difficulties that can make it tough for seniors to be as independent as they want to be. Those challenges also impact quality of life, affecting mental and emotional well-being. Home care providers can do a lot to address some of these challenges for aging adults.

Increased Fall Risk

Falling is a leading cause of hospitalization and injury for aging adults. As seniors age, their fall risks tend to increase as a result of health issues, cognitive changes, vision changes, and general safety concerns in their homes. If seniors do experience a fall, their risk of falling again increases dramatically, further complicating life. Having elder care providers there with them can ensure that these issues are addressed before they cause seniors to experience a fall.

Cognitive Decline

Cognitive decline can occur for a variety of reasons, including dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. These changes in how their brains function can impair judgment, memory, and decision-making abilities. Home care services offer support to seniors who are experiencing changes in how their brains work, making it easier for them to stay safe at home.

Sensory Changes

Seniors may not realize how much they depend on their senses, especially vision and hearing, until those senses start to change. Those changes have a huge impact on how well seniors are able to communicate and may cause them to start isolating themselves. Elder care services offer not only practical support, but also understanding companionship, which boosts quality of life significantly.

Mobility Difficulty

Mobility is another common challenge for seniors. Whether they’re experiencing changes to mobility because of illness or because of other issues, no longer being as mobile as they once were affects daily life. It also makes it difficult for seniors to keep living their lives the way they want to. Home care providers can help seniors to use assistive devices properly and keep them safe while assisting them with daily mobility.

Personal Care Challenges

Difficulty with tasks like dressing, grooming, and bathing might seem to be superficial, but it directly relates to hygiene. Personal care at home is there to offer compassionate assistance with these delicate tasks. Their help ensures that seniors can maintain their dignity while also remaining safe and comfortable.

Transportation Challenges

Driving limitations and lack of access to easy transportation can seriously limit quality of life for aging adults. They may find it impossible to get to vital appointments like meeting with their doctors and socializing becomes much more difficult. Elder care providers can do the driving, ensuring that seniors are safe and able to go wherever they want whenever they need to.

Home care services can be an essential part of ensuring that aging adults are able to face the challenges of growing older with dignity and independence. Some of these issues may continue to worsen over time, and home care is able to adjust and keep up with seniors and their changing needs.


If you are considering home care in Summerlin, NV for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

Understanding How Loss Affects Seniors

Helping seniors process their feelings after a loss is a vital aspect of providing emotional support for the elderly. Seniors, like people of all age groups, experience a wide range of emotions when they face various losses in their lives. Understanding how they grieve about different types of losses can be instrumental in offering them the support they need. Here are a few considerations and how companion care at home can help.

Loss of a Spouse or Partner

This is often one of the most significant losses a senior can experience. Many have spent a lifetime with their partner and formed a deep emotional bond. When they lose their spouse or partner, they may experience intense feelings of loneliness, sadness, and even guilt. Loved ones and companion care at home aides can encourage them to share their memories and feelings while offering support.

Loss of Independence

As seniors age, they may lose their ability to perform daily tasks and rely on others for assistance. This can be a profound loss of autonomy. When this happens, they may react with frustration, anger, or feelings of inadequacy. It’s important to be patient and respectful of their need for independence, where possible. Both the home care team and loved ones can encourage them to engage in activities that can help them regain a sense of purpose.

Loss of Friends and Peers

Seniors often experience the loss of friends and peers due to natural causes or health issues. Their grief may manifest as a sense of isolation and a deep longing for social connections. It’s important to encourage participation in social activities and organizations and slowly help them build new friendships and connections.

Loss of Health

The deterioration of their physical health can be a significant source of grief, especially if it limits their ability to enjoy life. Seniors may experience fear, anxiety, and depression as they grapple with their changing health status. The first thing to do is to encourage a healthy lifestyle and regular checkups to increase the chance that any issue that arises is caught early. Additionally, offer emotional support and provide resources for counseling if needed.

Loss of Mobility

Loss of mobility can lead to a loss of freedom and a sense of confinement. Seniors may feel frustration and sadness at not being able to engage in activities they once enjoyed. Loved ones will need to support them in finding adaptive ways to pursue their interests and engage in physical therapy or exercises suitable for their condition. In addition, this is a good time to start or increase their services with the companion care at home team.

Loss of Cognitive Abilities

Cognitive decline due to conditions like dementia or Alzheimer’s can be a challenging loss for both seniors and their loved ones. Grief may manifest as confusion, frustration, and sadness. It’s important to focus on providing a safe and supportive environment while navigating changes and creating a plan moving forward.

In all cases, it’s essential to listen, show empathy, and provide a safe space for seniors to express their feelings. Encourage them to seek professional help when necessary, and ensure they have access to support networks, such as family, friends, and support groups. Remember that grief is a highly individual experience, and the process may take time, so patience and understanding are key to helping seniors navigate these emotional challenges. Along the way, the companion care at home team can be a vital support.


If you are considering companion care at home in Henderson, NV for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

Exploring Some of the Challenges of The Aging Population

In-Home Care in Summerlin NV
In-Home Care in Summerlin NV

It’s always been your dad’s goal to stay in the family home. However, health issues like high blood pressure, cancer, heart disease, Parkinson’s, or arthritis are making it harder for him to complete the tasks that he needs to do. What are some of the challenges he may experience, and how can in-home care play a role in his future?


Forgetfulness is one of the more challenging issues. While your dad’s forgetfulness is strictly part of aging and not related to Alzheimer’s, it’s still frustrating as one of the things he struggles with is remembering to take his medications. If you’re not there to remind him, he often forgets a dose, which puts his health at risk.

Medication reminders are an important in-home care service. Not only will his caregiver remind him to take a pill, but he has guidance on how it’s meant to be taken. With water or with milk? On an empty stomach or with a meal? His caregiver is there to help him take his pills correctly.

Loss of Mobility

With a disease like Parkinson’s and some forms of arthritis, especially gout, your dad’s mobility may be greatly impacted. It may not be a consistent loss of mobility, especially with something like gout where it flares up from time to time, but it has to be addressed.

If your dad is having a harder time moving from one room to the next, stepping in and out of the shower, or going up and down stairs, he shouldn’t attempt it without someone there for support. He can have a family caregiver with him or arrange in-home care aides to spend time with him each week, but he needs someone to help keep him from falling.

Difficulty Cleaning His Home

Older adults admit that tasks like vacuuming and taking out the trash get harder, especially if upper body strength and mobility are worsening. If he has carpeted stairs, he may struggle to go up the stairs with a bulky vacuum. On each stair, he has to balance the vacuum while using the attachment to sweep the top and side of each stair.

Rather than risk a fall, someone should take over the tasks your dad has the hardest time completing. Things like vacuuming, trash and recycling, dishes, sweeping, and laundry are all chores covered with in-home care. His caregiver can also change his sheets so that he doesn’t have to try to lift the corner of the mattress to ensure the sheet fits correctly.

Isolation and Loneliness

If your dad lives alone, he may feel lonely, especially if no one stops by to see him each week. If he isn’t supposed to drive anymore and lives outside of a city, he is going to feel isolated, too. Make sure someone is available to drive him to stores, his appointments, and community or senior center events.

Your dad should feel challenged to maintain his independence. When he needs a helping hand, make sure he has an in-home care aide ready to help. He can live alone but have some help with difficult tasks like vacuuming, laundry, and meal preparation. He won’t feel lonely or isolated with in-home care for transportation and company.

If you are considering in-home care in Summerlin NV for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

The Value of Looking Back on Memories For Seniors

Personal Care at Home in Henderson NV
Personal Care at Home in Henderson NV

Reminiscing has been shown to have considerable positive effects on seniors’ mental and emotional well-being. As people age, they frequently confront difficulties such as reduced cognitive function, social isolation, and loneliness. Personal care at home professionals allows seniors to reminisce often by engaging in consistent conversation and encouraging them to share.

Loved ones can also help seniors share their memories while ensuring that younger generations can learn about their familial history. Activities that include remembering the past might help reduce these problems by providing mental stimulation, developing social relationships, and producing a feeling of purpose for seniors.

Why Is Remembering Important?

Maintaining a bright and active mind requires regular mental stimulation, which can help slow the progression of age-related cognitive decline. When seniors talk about their memories, they are not just exercising their cognitive powers but also remembering old experiences and reliving them. In addition, as seniors reflect on their previous experiences and feelings, remembering increases emotional regulation and self-awareness. This type of contemplation can lead to an improvement in mood, a decrease in anxiety, and an enhancement in one’s sense of self-worth.

Ways to Help Seniors Share Their Memories

Loved ones can provide the emotional support and social connection many seniors require when they actively engage and encourage them to share. It is essential for seniors to have the permission of their loved ones in order to engage in reminiscing and reap the benefits. The following are some of the ways that loved ones can make reminiscing easier:

Creating a comfortable environment: Ensuring that seniors are in a welcoming and familiar setting, with as few interruptions as possible, can help them feel more at ease and secure while talking about their past.

Asking open-ended questions: Loved ones and personal care at home can encourage seniors to talk about their memories by asking them open-ended questions that lead them to talk about their experiences in the past in greater depth. For instance, loved ones could question them about their favorite memories from their youth, significant events in their lives, or cherished family customs.

Using images, music, or trigger objects from the past: These items can awaken seniors’ memories and generate conversations with them. With the right objects, seniors can delve further into their memories and forge connections that are richer in significance.

Genuinely listening to what seniors say: Active listening and empathy are needed as seniors share their life experiences. When seniors feel valued in what they share, it contributes to creating a nurturing environment and encourages them to share more.

Helping seniors document their memories can be done using various techniques, from writing, generating audio recordings, or creating photo albums. This serves as a therapeutic exercise and a way to guarantee their tales will be told to future generations.

Reminiscing is important for seniors since it provides mental and emotional advantages while facilitating social bond development. Loved ones and home care professionals can play a vital part in assisting seniors in maintaining a sense of purpose and well-being by actively engaging with them and providing a supportive environment in which the seniors can feel comfortable sharing their experiences.


If you are considering personal care at home in Henderson, NV, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

Helping Seniors Cope with Loss

Senior Home Care in Summerlin NV
Senior Home Care in Summerlin NV

It’s inevitable that the older you get, the more likely you are to lose someone. And although this is something that everyone will go through, it is not always easy to cope with loss. If your senior loved one has recently lost a family member, a spouse, or adult child, you will want to help them cope. Firstly, it’s important to note that grief takes many forms, and it can take time for your senior to heal and cope with any loss, so you and senior home care mustn’t pressure your senior. There is no quick fix for this type of loss, but you can support, encourage, and be there for your senior loved one when they need you. Here are some other tips to remember for when your senior is ready to start the healing process and needs some tips to cope with this loss.

Prioritize Self Care

It can seem like a lot to prioritize self-care when a senior feels blue, but ensuring they are still taking care of themselves is crucial. If they are grieving, they may rely on senior home care more than usual to cook and bathe regularly. Even if they are grieving, it will be important to stick to their routine as best as possible. This will eventually help them get out of their blue mood and back on a regular schedule, helping them feel better when they know they still have a little control left.

Find a Support Group

No matter who you are or how old you become, you need to find a friend or support group to help you cope with loss. There is no way you can go through this alone, and a senior needs to recognize and understand that. However, right after a loss, it may feel like too much pressure to go and heal. This might take a senior time to go to, so it is important not to push them to go until they are ready to start talking to people. And keep in mind that if a senior has one person to talk to, that may be enough for them.

Continue to See a Doctor

A senior should be going to their doctor regularly, and although it is normal to go through a period of sadness after losing someone, it is not normal for it to continue for long periods of time. If your senior is depressed for a few months, it is time to talk openly to a doctor about depression and about why. A doctor may prescribe your loved one medication to help manage their moods.

Get Back Into Hobbies

If your senior has a favorite activity, senior home care can help your loved one get to the activity or help set it up for them. It’s important to encourage them to keep doing the things they love slowly. This can feel selfish after losing someone because it feels like enjoying life without the person they lost, but it’s important to find the joy in life when coping with a huge loss.


If you are considering senior home care in Summerlin, NV, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

How Do You Help Your Mom Maintain Her Confidence as She Ages?

Elder Care in Henderson NV
Elder Care in Henderson NV

What are your mom’s plans as she ages? Almost 90% of adults between the ages of 50 and 80 want to age at home. It’s not surprising if this is also your mom’s answer, but you have to make sure she is confident and secure while living alone. How do you help her achieve her goal?

Assess Her Home’s Layout and Safety

Go through your mom’s home and address any safety issues that will lower her confidence to live alone. She may benefit from a medic alert system, brighter lighting, more floor space to accompany her cane or walker, or a better kitchen layout that makes it easy for her to reach certain small appliances.

Find Out What Health Issues She’s Facing

How is your mom’s health? If she has any chronic health conditions, she needs to be eating the right foods, taking her medications, and getting the amount of exercise recommended by her physician. If she has a hard time with any of that, it’s time for her to have someone available to remind her.

She may need to see a physical therapist each week. Or, she may need to go to her doctor’s office for frequent blood tests or health checks. Make sure she has the support she needs to do all of this.

See Where She Feels She Needs Help

Ask your mom where she has the hardest time. She may struggle to prepare meals for one after so many years of cooking for a family. If that’s an area she struggles with, find the best ways to help her. She might still want to cook and benefit from meal subscription boxes. She may be sick of cooking and enjoy the thoughts of someone taking over.

Is she lacking confidence in going to the basement laundry room? Does she have a garage laundry area, but she’s scared going down those stairs as the garage is dimly lit and there’s no rail? Some of her concerns can be addressed by adding brighter lights and rails.

Does she feel confident walking outside without someone with her? How about vacuuming her stairs or carrying a vacuum to her bedroom? All of these areas may be problems for her.

Does She Feel Unsafe When Driving?

Is she less confident driving now? If she finds it hard to react as quickly to sudden obstacles in the road, it’s time for her to let someone else drive.

She can have someone drive her to her appointments and area stores. If she has errands to run, someone can join her. The inability to drive doesn’t mean she’s stuck at home. Make sure she knows that.

Arrange elder care services to ensure your mom is confident and secure, even if she lives alone. Her elder care aide is there to provide just enough support without making your mom feel like she’s become useless in her home. A caregiver helps your mom age confidently and enjoy her independence.


If you are considering elder care in Las Vegas, NV, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

Can Companion Care at Home Help Seniors Reduce Stress?

Companion Care at Home in Henderson NV
Companion Care at Home in Henderson NV

Stress management is an essential aspect of maintaining good health and well-being, especially for seniors. Chronic stress can exacerbate existing health conditions, contribute to cognitive decline, and negatively impact overall quality of life. Companion care at home can play a vital role in helping seniors manage stress through various approaches, such as sharing relaxation techniques with them, reminding them about mindfulness exercises, and helping with social engagement. These are activities that family caregivers might have a tough time helping their seniors to master, but home care providers focusing on socialization and stress reduction can cover a lot of ground.

Using Relaxation Techniques

One of the most effective ways to manage stress is through relaxation techniques that help calm the mind and body. Seniors may not feel as if some of these techniques will really work for them but giving them an honest try can help significantly. Some of these techniques can have physical, real effects like lowering blood pressure and reducing muscle tension. Techniques like deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and even guided imagery are ones that home care providers can walk seniors through trying in just a few minutes.

Encouraging Mindfulness Exercises

Mindfulness exercises are slightly different from relaxation techniques, although they can have similar results on stress. These exercises focus on bringing awareness to the present moment without judgment. Mindfulness has been shown to reduce stress and promote overall well-being for people of all ages. Companion care at home can introduce seniors to mindfulness exercises, such as meditation, mindful breathing, or body scans, and support them in incorporating these practices into their daily routines. Over time, regular use of mindfulness becomes easier to use. Seniors can experience big results from sticking with mindfulness, including lowering stress levels significantly.

Offering Social Engagement

For some seniors, stress is a result of diminished opportunities to spend time with other people. Social engagement is crucial for seniors’ mental and emotional well-being, as isolation and loneliness can contribute to stress and depression. Companion care at home can facilitate social engagement by providing companionship, organizing social outings, and connecting seniors with community resources. Engaging in conversation is something that is easy and doesn’t have to be complicated at all. If seniors are up for outings, elder care providers can help them to plan and to attend social outings. Caregivers can also help to connect seniors and family caregivers with community resources that might help further with socialization and stress relief.

Companion care at home can do so much for aging adults, simply by being there on a regular basis. Companionship alone can help seniors to feel less alone and inspire them to try new things. If seniors are having an especially difficult time managing stress, even with social engagement, it might be time to talk to their doctors about what else might be contributing to that stress. Health issues, particularly ones that are not under good control, can be a significant factor when it comes to stress for aging adults. Getting those health conditions addressed can do a lot.

If you are considering companion care at home in Henderson, NV, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

Helping a Senior Deal with Loneliness

Elder Care in Summerlin NV
Elder Care in Summerlin NV

Loneliness can negatively impact seniors’ physical and mental health. However, you don’t have to wait for loneliness and isolation to consume your loved elderly. You can give your older parents the better mindset that they deserve along with the life they deserve as they age. Elder care can help seniors deal with loneliness and give them peace of mind. Here are some of the things you can do to prevent elder loneliness:

Listen to them

Most of the time, seniors don’t demand so much. They need someone who can listen to them and express their feelings. Yes! You may provide them with everything, including food, clothing, and shelter, but you don’t spend quality time with them. Give your elderly some companion care at home.Actively involve your seniors in conversations and storytelling. Ensure you learn and understand what your elderly love. If they love singing, it’s good to encourage them to participate in the church choir or community band.

Let your seniors do something new

Encourage your elderly to learn and do something new. This will keep their brains active, helping them to remain young. Let them meet new people and interact. For instance, please encourage them to form a knitting circle, participate in the book club, or go to the nearby community center for weekly events.

Besides, encourage your seniors to walk around the park or the city. If they are not too old, you can go with them for shopping or ask them to assist you with small basic chores. Also, allow them to visit another city or have a vacation outside the country.

Give the seniors a healthy diet

A healthy diet can prevent loneliness. Eating well promotes physical health, controls feelings and emotions, and positively impacts one’s entire well-being. Also, a nutritious diet can lower your risk of developing chronic conditions like hypertension and diabetes. In addition, ensure your seniors are properly hydrated since dehydration can lead to discomfort.

How In-home Care Combats Loneliness in Seniors

Senior home care can help seniors fight loneliness. The caregivers provide reputable home care assistance to all elders regardless of their age. Home care providers will give companionship to the seniors. The elderly might feel lonely, especially if they don’t move so much or live alone. By offering social interactions and companion care at home, elder care helps seniors improve their mental well-being.

In-home care also offers transportation services to the elderly. Many seniors feel isolated if they cannot reach the bus station and remain home stranded. Hiring an elder care agency ensures seniors attend social group meetings, interact with fellow elderly, visit the parks, and many more.

Besides, home care can ensure seniors involve themselves in activities to improve their physical and mental health. Caregivers also offer other services like cooking, laundry, light housekeeping, brain games, medical reminders, errands, companion care at home, and personal care. All these services ensure that your seniors are happy and live healthy lives. Elder care can greatly impact your senior’s life for the better.


If you are considering elder care in Summerlin, NV, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.