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What Do Overnight Caregivers Do While Your Mom Sleeps?

24-Hour Home Care in Summerlin NV
24-Hour Home Care in Summerlin NV

You’ve heard a lot about 24-hour home care services, but you have some questions. One of the most common is what happens when the client is sleeping. If you hire overnight caregivers for your mom, what do they do while she’s in bed?

Caregivers Are Not Asleep

It’s a common misconception that 24-hour home care aides are sleeping while their client sleeps. That’s not the case. A caregiver is not going to move into your mom’s home and sleep during the hours she’s asleep.

She’ll have a team of caregivers working in shifts. While she sleeps, her caregiver is awake and ready to help her. If your mom wakes up and needs a glass of water, her caregiver brings it to her. If she has Alzheimer’s and wakes up and tries to leave the house, her caregiver redirects her.

Overnight Caregivers Help in Many Ways

While your mom sleeps, what is her caregiver doing? The caregiver does anything that’s on the list of chores for the night. If your mom has medications to take in the middle of the night, her caregiver will wake her up long enough to take them.

If your mom has laundry or needs her home dusted, the caregiver can do that while she’s asleep. Her caregiver can start prepping vegetables and meats for meals. If your mom needs to get groceries, her caregiver can schedule an online order for pick-up.

Your mom has Alzheimer’s and often wakes in the middle of the night and wants to “go home.” Her caregiver is there to stop her from going outside and wandering away. With a home care aide to redirect her, your mom has someone to put on a movie, prepare her a snack, or help her get back in bed.

If your mom wakes up and doesn’t feel well, her caregiver can alert doctors if needed. If your mom’s dealing with nausea from medications she takes, her caregiver is there for moral support and to support her to prevent a fall.

Caregivers Work in Shifts

The number of caregivers depends on the caregiver. There are some who work six-hour shifts and others who work eight hours. If your mom’s 24-hour home care aides work six-hour shifts, she’d have four caregivers covering her daily needs. If they work eight-hour shifts, there would be three caregivers covering the full day.

When one caregiver’s shift is about to end, the next caregiver arrives. They’ll talk about what tasks have been completed and what’s left to do. The new caregiver takes over and the first caregiver goes home. This cycle continues.

Do you have additional questions? Reach out to an expert in 24-hour home care to learn more about this service and how it can help your mom.


If you are considering 24-hour home care in Summerlin, NV for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

5 Emotional Benefits of Companion Care at Home

Companion Care at Home in Henderson NV
Companion Care at Home in Henderson NV

If your elderly family member is generally okay with living on her own and keeping up with her needs, you may think that there’s no reason for her to have home care assistance. But if she’s spending a lot of that time alone, your senior may have emotional needs that aren’t being met by her current living situation. Bringing in companion care at home can make a difference in your elderly family member’s emotional health, so it’s an important option to consider.

Independence and Dignity

Your senior might be concerned that having help from companion care at home automatically means that she’s losing her independence. None of that has to be the case, however. Your elderly family member should quickly find that caregivers only offer the help that she actually needs and that they do so without making her feel bad about herself or her situation. Preserving both her dignity and her independence is crucial.

Friendly Companionship

There might be a big age difference between your senior and any caregivers who spend time with her, but that does not mean that they won’t develop a friendship that is just as real as any other friendship. Companion care at home can help your senior to discover new hobbies that she enjoys or spend time with her as she enjoys favorite activities. All while offering companionship.

A Comforting Presence

Comfort can be incredibly important for your aging adult, whether she realizes it or not. Having someone there with her can help your elderly family member to feel more at ease about a great many situations. This is particularly true if she’s not necessarily at risk of having a health issue flare up but feels nervous about what might happen.

Confidence that Keeps Growing

It can be difficult to maintain confidence as aging adults grow older. Your elderly family member may worry that small difficulties can be enough to mean that she needs to leave her home. The benefit of all types of home care is that having just the help that she needs reminds your senior that she can be confident in her own capabilities. That’s huge for her self-esteem in the long run.

Peace of Mind for You and Other Family Members

Wondering how your senior is really doing is never a good feeling. You don’t have to wonder when she has companion care at home there with her, however. They can help you to understand what your senior’s needs truly are and where her biggest challenges lie. That information can help you to make other decisions regarding her care plan.

Spending time with people who genuinely want to make sure that she is doing well is important for your elderly family member’s mental and emotional well-being. Conversation and engaging in friendly activities help to keep your elderly family member mentally stimulated and ensure that there is someone there for her if she does happen to need any assistance. You’ll all feel better knowing that your senior has some friends who stop in to check how she is doing.

If you are considering companion care at home in Henderson, NV, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

6 Tips That Make It Easier to Transition to Home Care

Home Care in Summerlin NV
Home Care in Summerlin NV

Your dad needs home care services, but he’s nervous about having a caregiver around to help him all day. How can you help him transition from being on his own to having home care around to help out?

Do Your Research

Research home care so that you understand what does and doesn’t happen with the arrangements. One issue that often arises is that families expect the caregiver to be available at the last minute, and that’s not always possible. Availability does vary from one town to the next.

Let Your Dad Be Part of the Planning Process

If you allow your dad the opportunity to help with decision-making, he’ll feel like he’s had his say. Because he was involved, he may be less nervous about what to expect, and that makes it easier on everyone.

When you talk to a home care specialist, have your dad nearby. Use speakerphone if you’re calling or bring him to a face-to-face meeting.

Make Sure He Knows Caregivers Don’t Take Over

One of the biggest fears older adults have with home care is that it will take away their independence. Reassure him that the caregiver only helps out when he’s struggling. The things he does on his own are left for him to complete.

Do a Walkthrough of What He Should Expect

Take a couple of days and do a walkthrough of the services your dad will be receiving. Act like a caregiver and ask him to provide his input throughout the day. Talk to him about what the caregiver is doing and why, and answer any questions he has.

Be Present For the First Few Days

Try to be in your dad’s home for the first few days that he has a caregiver with him. What’s important to remember is that you want to be in the home but not in the way. Set up a temporary home office from a den or bedroom.

If your dad is panicking, you can come help out. Make sure you allow time for the home care provider to try to resolve things without your interference. If the caregiver has questions, you’re close by for answers.

Have a Full List of Questions Ready

Gather with the rest of the immediate family who helps your dad out. Get together a list of questions they have. If your brother wants to know if he’s still able to visit without notice, jot it down. When you call to talk to a home care advisor, you’ll have the questions ready to go and won’t forget anything.

Call a home care specialist with any questions you have. Go over the schedule and make sure you understand when the caregiver will arrive to ensure you’re ready to let the aide in. Book the services your dad needs and work with the caregivers to ensure your dad’s transition to home care goes smoothly.

If you are considering home care in Summerlin, NV, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

What Is 24-hour Home Care?

24-Hour Home Care in Las Vegas NV
24-Hour Home Care in Las Vegas NV

There are a lot of different types of care available for aging adults and the right one for your senior depends a great deal on what exactly she needs. 24-hour home care is a particular type of care that ensures your senior always has a care provider there with her. This is an important type of care in all sorts of different situations. Here’s what you and your senior need to know.

Someone Is Always There with Her

With this type of care, home care providers are right there with your senior, all day and all night. There’s never a time that she’s left on her own, and that can be a vital part of her care. No matter what your senior needs help managing, there is someone right there who can give her that assistance.

They Get to Know Her Needs

Usually, multiple caregivers are rotating shifts to help your senior. That means that a few people get to know her needs really well, which is great news. They’re able to get to know your elderly family member’s preferences also, ensuring that she’s surrounded by caregivers who are there to ensure she’s safe and happy.

Caregivers Are Prepared for Nighttime Issues

Issues overnight are common for aging adults, especially if they have some specific health concerns, like dementia. Wandering, sundowning, and other overnight conditions are much easier to manage with 24-hour home care. There’s an alert caregiver right there with your senior to address any needs she might have in those dark hours at night. Your senior is both safe and comforted.

Around the Clock Care Promotes Aging in Place

Having 24-hour home care right there with your senior ensures that she doesn’t have to go anywhere. And if her biggest goal was to remain in her own home for as long as possible, she’s able to do exactly that with this level of assistance. For some seniors, moving from their home is a tragedy that can bring with it a host of emotional responses and grief that could be avoided simply by having some help staying in place.

You’ve Got Peace of Mind about Your Senior’s Care

It’s also essential that you feel safe and secure in the care that your senior is receiving. When you can’t be there with her, it’s a peaceful feeling to know that there is someone there with her. Your elderly family member has hands-on help and you’ve got access to someone who can tell you exactly how your elderly family member is doing. You can hear all about her routines and how well she’s able to maintain them. That can help you and her doctors to also keep track of what is working for her and what isn’t.

Having help both day and night ensures that your elderly family member’s needs are met and that she’s able to spend her time and energy doing the things that she wants to do. She’s also got companionship and friendly faces, which keeps her socializing as much as she wants.

If you are considering 24-hour home care in Las Vegas, NV, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

Honor Your Dad on Father’s Day With These Gifts

Senior Home Care in Las Vegas NV
Senior Home Care in Las Vegas NV

Father’s Day falls on June 19th this year. What are you planning to do or give him? Here are some of the best gifts for the father who has everything. You could even gift him with the many benefits of senior home care.

A Gaming System

Your dad loves to fish, but he can’t walk up and down streams, shores, or through the woods by himself. You’re not around enough to take him fishing. Fulfill his passion for fishing when you’re not round by investing in a gaming system.

There are fishing games with controllers that vibrate and jerk around when the virtual fish is on the line. The Nintendo Switch has a fishing pole controller. It’s not exactly the same as fishing, but it’s a good way for him to engage in his favorite activity when no one is available to take him fishing.

Your dad could also play golf on his gaming system. If he’s into golf, he can play it from the comfort of his living room when you’re not around.

A Doorbell Camera

How about a doorbell camera? If someone is at the door, your dad and you can view who it is and talk to them without opening the door. It adds a layer of protection against scammers and door-to-door sales.

A Chromebook or Laptop

How about a small laptop that doesn’t need virus protection updates? A Chromebook protects against viruses in a different way, so your dad doesn’t have to run antivirus all the time. If he wants a laptop for communicating with his family via chat or video chat, this is a good option.

If he’s able to update and run security suite software, any laptop will work. It comes down to how technologically minded he is.

A Smart Speaker

Does your dad have a smart speaker? It is a handy device for older adults as it can read the news and weather out loud to him. It can help him turn on and off lights if you pair it with the right light bulbs. It can also play music, find his favorite show or movie, and play games.

A Pet

If your dad is lacking companionship and has talked about getting a pet, consider taking him to an animal rescue this Father’s Day. A cat can be lower maintenance than a dog, though it will still require some care. If he’s not up for a lot of grooming and maintenance of his pet, a fish tank may be a better option.

Senior Home Care Services

When it’s not a holiday or special event, is your dad alone? Should he be? This year, pay for a few weeks of home care services for him to try out.

He can experience what it’s like to have someone helping with meals, housekeeping, and transportation. He may find he loves it and wants to make it a permanent part of his life.

Senior home care helps your dad around the home without taking away his independence. Call a specialist in home care to learn more about the services that are available.


If you are considering senior home care in Las Vegas, NV, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

What Does Home Care Assistance For Seniors Include?

Home Care Assistance in Las Vegas NV
Home Care Assistance in Las Vegas NV

If you have a senior parent that wants to continue living at home, you may have already starting talking with them about options for home care assistance. Even if your senior loved one is managing fine on their own now, in the future they may need help in order to live comfortably in their home. Starting the process of finding out more about home care now will help you and your senior parent make a smart choice for their health and safety. The most frequently asked question about home care assistance is what does home care include? The answer to that really depends on what kinds of care services your senior loved one needs. Home care can include services like:


Many seniors need a little extra help cleaning up as they get older. Keeping the home free from clutter will lessen the risk that your senior parent will fall. And chores like dusting and vacuuming are essential to maintain a healthy indoor air quality. Home care assistance often includes light housekeeping so that seniors will have a safe and healthy environment to live in. Care providers can do things like vacuum, dust, mop, do the laundry, clean the kitchen and bathrooms, and make sure that the house is orderly,

Meal Preparation And Cleanup

It’s also common for seniors to need a little help preparing meals. Opening food packages can be tough if your senior loved one has poor grip strength. So is lifting dishes or heavy pots and pans. People with tremors may not be able to safely use the stove or carry glasses. Home care assistance can help seniors prepare meals by opening packaging, measuring things, chopping and dicing, and stirring things for them. They can also help with cooking and clean up the dishes and pots and pans after the meal. Seniors enjoy the company of a care provider who will eat meals with them as much as they enjoy not having to clean up after the meal.

Medication Management

Often seniors benefit from having a trained care provider oversee their medications and make sure that those medications are organized. A care provider can make sure that your senior loved one is getting the medications they should be taking every day. It’s also helpful that they can go to the pharmacy so that your senior loved one doesn’t run out of the meds they need.

Help With Shopping And Errands

Doing the shopping and running errands can be difficult as seniors get older. They may find that they don’t have the energy to walk around a bunch of stores like they used to. Or they may be easily confused by shopping lists or by handling money. With a caregiver accompanying them on shopping trips, your senior will be able to confidently handle all of their errands.

If you are considering home care assistance in Las Vegas, NV, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

What Type of Assistance Can Your Senior Receive During the Night?

24-Hour Home Care in Henderson NV
24-Hour Home Care in Henderson NV

Have you noticed your elderly loved one needs more assistance during the night more than any other time of the day? If so, overnight care from 24-hour home care providers may be something that you need to consider. These home care providers can offer a lot of assistance to your elderly loved one leading up to bedtime, in their waking hours, and everywhere in between.

Supervision Overnight

One of the main reasons why your elderly loved one may need overnight care is to get supervision. Many senior citizens, especially those with dementia, wander aimlessly. They even leave their homes at times and get lost. One of the best ways to prevent this with your elderly loved one is to have someone there to supervise overnight. Many elder care providers are trained to do this.

Reduced Fall Risk

Does your elderly loved one have a high risk of falling at nighttime? Maybe, they have balance issues or a health condition that causes the higher risk of falling. It could just be that your elderly loved one isn’t that steady on their feet when they get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. No matter why their risk is higher, it is vital that someone is able to help your elderly loved one prevent falls at night and during the day. You can get 24-hour home care services for the nighttime, so your elderly loved one doesn’t have to be alone.

Mobility Assistance

Your elderly loved one could benefit from 24-hour home care services because the home care providers can help them be more mobile, as well. For example, if your elderly loved one generally has accidents due to irritable bowel syndrome or urinary incontinence, the overnight senior care providers can help them get up and to the bathroom sooner than if they tried to do it on their own.

Medication Reminders

Does your elderly loved one have medications to take late in the evening or first thing in the morning when they get up? Do they usually forget to take these medications because of the odd hours? If so, you may want to hire 24-hour home care providers, so they can give medication reminders to your elderly loved one. With these reminders, your elderly loved one can stick to their medication regimen much easier.

Mental Health Benefits

Does your elderly loved one struggle with depression and/or anxiety? Maybe, they have PTSD and can’t be alone at night. No matter what type of mental health issues they have, hiring 24-hour home care providers to stay at their house overnight to help them feel more at ease could be just what your elderly loved one needs.


These are some of the types of assistance that your elderly loved one can get during the night. Now that you know about how much 24-hour home care providers can help your elderly loved one during the nighttime, you can reach out to book these services today.


If you are considering 24-hour home care in Henderson, NV, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

Understanding How In-Home Care Helps With MCI

In-Home Care in Henderson NV
In-Home Care in Henderson NV

Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) can be a precursor to Alzheimer’s disease. If your dad has been diagnosed with MCI, you can take steps to help him age in place, like starting in-home care as soon as possible. Learn more about MCI and how it can impact your parent’s abilities now and in the future.

What Is MCI?

Upwards of 20% of adults 60 or older have MCI. It’s a condition where memory skills have gotten slightly worse than they should at that age. However, it’s not Alzheimer’s or dementia, and some people have MCI and never develop dementia. People who have had a stroke, diabetes, or depression are more at risk.

When you have MCI, you’re still able to complete activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living. Your memory isn’t that bad. Mainly, you might forget that you had an appointment. You might lose your keys and not recall the steps you took earlier that day.

Suppose your dad is at work and has been running the same machine for decades. He knows the steps to start the machine, run his product, change settings, and close the machine down at the night’s end. He starts forgetting the steps, and his boss issues multiple warnings.

That’s an example of MCI. He can still do his work, but he forgets steps along the way. It might be simple aging, but you worry that it’s the first sign of Alzheimer’s. It’s time to talk to an expert for guidance.

If you suspect your dad has MCI, you should take him to a doctor. It’s best to have his cognitive skills checked every six months to see if it’s progressing. If it does progress, the diagnosis shifts into dementia. Don’t let your dad stress too much about this. Only 10% to 20% of MCI cases progress to Alzheimer’s.

Talk About In-Home Care Now

What happens if it’s MCI, but there is suspicion it might be progressing? It’s important to stay calm. Your dad is likely scared, but you need to make sure he knows he has your support. Do this by coming up with a list of his goals for aging in place. See what he wants to happen.

Would he want to downsize or stay in his home? Does he want to have a family member move in, or would he feel that would intrude on his desire for privacy? Caregivers can stop by and offer the help he needs with housekeeping, meals, transportation, organization, personal care, etc.

In-home care services are ideally arranged before dementia worsens. In the latter stages of Alzheimer’s, your dad will not remember faces and names. Help him get acquainted with caregivers in the early stages.

By doing so, your dad has had time to adjust to having in-home care services. A familiar bond is formed with the caregivers that come to help out. Call an in-home care specialist to learn more.



If you are considering in-home care in Henderson, NV, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

Is Home Care Right For Your Mom?

Home care in Summerlin NV
Home care in Summerlin NV

Your mom is aging and wants to stay in her home. One way to do this is by hiring caregivers to help out. How do you know if home care is the best decision for her?

Sit down with your mom and ask these questions. Once you have her answers, gather the family and discuss her feelings and theirs.

How Well Does She Do With Daily Activities?

Activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living are important indicators of the necessity for home care. If your mom cannot remember to take her daily prescriptions, she needs someone to remind her.

Suppose she is no longer able to drive to stores or her doctor’s office. Can you take off all of the days she’d need a ride? Would caregivers help you avoid having to cut your hours at work or rearrange your plans?

ADLs and IADLs include things like cooking meals, paying bills, shopping for household supplies, and cleaning the home. If she struggles with any of these, it indicates a need for home care.

Does She Feel Lonely or Isolated?

How many visitors does your mom get each week? Does she ever say that she feels lonely? Caregivers from a home care agency can offer companionship services. Your mom doesn’t have to feel alone or isolated.

Her caregiver can take her out to lunch or a museum, join her on appointment days, and help her shop for groceries, clothes, and other essentials. She always has a friend available on the days she wants company.

Is It Hard for Her to Shower, Dress, and Take Care of Her Oral Care?

Can your mom shower and dress on her own? Does she put on clothing that’s appropriate for the weather? If she’s having difficulty brushing and styling her hair, zipping her pants, and putting on shoes, she needs someone to help.

What about her teeth? Can she brush and floss her teeth on her own, or does arthritis pain in the finger joints make it impossible? Home care helps with personal care, grooming, and hygiene.

Don’t Wait, Hire Caregivers Now

Home care is one of the best ways for your mom to stay independent as she ages. With a helping hand, she lives at home without risking her safety or happiness. A home care aide assists with more challenging activities of daily living.

There is no fear of the caregiver taking over. Caregivers will step back and let her do the other tasks she can do on her own. Call a home care agency to learn more.


If you are considering home care in Summerlin, NV for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

What Does Your Senior Loved One Need Help with the Most?

Personal Care at Home in Las Vegas NV
Personal Care at Home in Las Vegas NV

Taking care of a senior in your family is not usually an easy job. It can be emotionally taxing and can take quite a bit of time, as well. With this being said, if you will be or are taking care of one of your elderly loved ones, it may be a good idea to learn about some of the top senior citizen care needs. If you know what these are, you can prepare for some of the help that your elderly loved one might need later on.

Help with Personal Care

Many senior citizens need help with personal care tasks. Some of these tasks might include:

  • Medication reminders
  • Transfers from chair to bed or vice versa
  • Toileting help
  • Grooming, bathing, and dressing assistance

As your elderly loved one gets even older, they may need help with some or all of these tasks. If you aren’t already helping with these things, you can prepare for when they may need assistance in these areas. If it isn’t something you will be able to help with, you can get personal care at home for your elderly loved one. Home care providers can help with personal care tasks.

Help with House Chores

Senior citizens often struggle to keep their house clean. Some house chores they may need help with include:

  • Dishes
  • Laundry
  • Vacuuming
  • Dusting
  • Mopping
  • Organizing

It can be difficult for your elderly loved one to do these household chores. They may have pain, balance issues, or another problem that causes their inability to do certain household chores. No matter what the cause may be, it could be a good idea to hire senior care providers. These providers can help your elderly loved one to keep up with these or other household chores.

Help with Meals

Many senior citizens don’t eat very well. They may struggle to go shopping due to transportation or health issues. Some senior citizens don’t want to make meals because they live alone or because they don’t know what to make. If this is happening with your elderly loved one, it is vital that they have someone helping with their meals. You or home care providers can help with meal planning, grocery shopping, or meal preparation.


These are some of the top senior citizen needs. Your elderly loved one may need assistance with these tasks. If so, you can help or you can get personal care at home for your elderly loved one. The elderly care providers can help with any of these tasks and other tasks, too.



If you are considering personal care at home in Las Vegas, NV for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.