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Food to Avoid When Your Senior Has Arthritis

Companion Care at Home in Henderson NV
Companion Care at Home in Henderson NV

Arthritis symptoms may be improved by adopting dietary modifications. Inflammatory meals like saturated fat and sugar should be avoided. Purine-rich foods may also have to be avoided. However, your seniors may not be as focused as they should on their diet because it may hurt to move around and cook. This leads them to go for easier meals that involve less cooking on their end. If this sounds like your senior, is it time to consider someone who can watch out for them each day and may be able to help with light cleaning, dressing, bathing, and, most importantly, light cooking.

Finding the right companion care at home will be a huge help for seniors who are trying to age in place with painful arthritis. And having someone with them who can do certain tasks easier may allow them to live a higher quality life and focus on things like what foods will worsen their pain and inflammation.

Seniors Should Focus On Fats

Certain types of fats actually make arthritis worse by causing inflammation. A senior should avoid several types that may make things much worse for them. Unfortunately, many of these come in pre-packaged foods that are easy to make.

  • Omega 6 fatty acids- When consumed in reasonable amounts, omega 6 fatty acids aren’t dangerous. However, the average American consumes much too much of them.
  • Saturated Fats- This fat may be found in meat, cheese, and butter. People should consume fewer than 10% of their daily calories from saturated fat.
  • Trans Fats- This fat is detrimental to human health because it lowers “good” cholesterol, elevates “bad” cholesterol, and increases inflammatory levels. In recent years, manufacturers have removed trans fats from most prepared meals, but check the nutrition information panel to be certain.

They Should Avoid Eating Too Much Sugar

According to research, people who consume sugar-sweetened soda have an elevated risk of RA. Excess sugar intake also raises the chance of dying from cardiovascular disease. Obesity, inflammation, and other chronic disorders might also result. Unfortunately, tons of easy meals have added sugar to preserve it and make things taste better. This is not good for you and certainly not good for seniors struggling with inflammation.


You may be wondering precisely what nightshade is? It is any of the following:

  • tomatoes
  • bell peppers
  • chili peppers
  • eggplant
  • potatoes

If you think this is something your senior overeats, it’s time to encourage them to keep a food diary. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they should keep track of calories, but to keep track of what they eat and how they feel later on. If a senior cuts something out of their diet and has fewer flare-ups, they may need to stay away from nightshade to stay healthy.

Food High in Purines

Uric acid is formed when the body breaks down purines, found in many meals. Gout attacks may occur when uric acid builds up in the circulation. These types of food include:

  • red meat or cured meats
  • organ meat, such as liver
  • beer and other alcohol
  • some seafood, such as mussels and scallops

Steering clear of these foods may help lower the chance of getting gout but also minimize inflammation.

If you are considering companion care at home in Henderson, NV, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

Healthy Food Options for Seniors with Tooth Loss

Elder Care in Henderson NV

Full or partial dentures are a common dental aid for the elderly. Your elderly loved one may be having difficulty chewing and swallowing after receiving new dentures. While your loved one’s new dentures may make them feel awkward at first, there are certain things they may do that may help.

It might be challenging to encourage a senior to eat more if they experience discomfort while doing so. If you’re too busy to shop for groceries or prepare meals for your elderly loved ones, or if you’re concerned about their safety in their own home, it may be time to look into elder care options. Even dentures can guarantee your aging loved one is eating well and receiving enough to eat.

It is possible for seniors who have lost all of their teeth to still eat healthily. It’s important to remember that many healthy soft meals can taste great. Incorporate these items into your elderly loved one’s diet if poor tooth health prevents them from eating normally.

Yogurt Is Healthy, Affordable, and Nutritious for Seniors

Yogurt is versatile, serving as either a breakfast or snack item. For example, its taste may be altered by adding pureed fruit or honey. It’s a good source of protein, which elderly people who have trouble chewing tough meat may not receive enough of in their diets. To make this lunch as healthy as possible, choose yogurt with a low-fat and a low-sugar option.

Eat a Scrambled Egg Breakfast

Eggs are a fantastic way to add protein to your family’s diet. To make the eggs more manageable for consumption, you may modify their consistency. You can serve eggs on their own, but they’ll have more nutritional value and taste if you add some softened veggies, such as bell peppers, in little bits or pureed before you scramble them.

Make a Soup for Dinner

Seniors on a soft-food diet may get dissatisfied with their diet out of boredom. Soups are fantastic since they allow you to regularly surprise your loved one with various tastes. Alternate nights of minestrone and chicken noodle soup. Keep in mind that you’ll need to cut the components for the soup even smaller than you would if you were eating it by yourself. Using a hand blender will help the soup mix into a smoother consistency, making it more straightforward for your loved one to swallow. The best thing about soup is elder care can help make it and then freeze it to eat later on.

Baked Fish with Rice

Fish is a great way to add healthy fats and protein to your family’s diet, and it is also much more tender than other varieties of meat. Soft-meat eaters are better off with salmon and cod than swordfish or mahi-mahi. Crunchy breading should also be avoided, so look for a recipe that employs citrus juice or fresh herbs instead.

Oatmeal is Great for Seniors

Breakfast cereals and granola bars may no longer be an option, but there are other ways to ensure that your loved one is getting enough whole grains in their diet. Oatmeal, like yogurt, is adaptable because of its flavoring options. Instead of sugar, you may use applesauce to sweeten the oats. You may add nut butter to your oats to make them more flavorful.


If you are considering elder care in Henderson, NV, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

The Best 4 Things Senior Men Can Do To Stay Healthy

Home Care in Henderson NV
Home Care in Henderson NV

June is Men’s Health Month and now is the time to talk to your senior father about how he can stay healthy as he gets older. Senior men tend to minimize their health risks and conditions which can leave them open to developing more serious problems as they get older. One way that you can try to get your senior dad to focus on his health is to hire home care for your dad. Home care will help him make some healthy lifestyle changes that will improve his health now and in the future like:

Quit Smoking

Convincing a senior man to quit smoking can be a real challenge, especially if he’s been smoking for decades. The excuse that most senior men give for why they won’t quit is that it doesn’t matter at their point in their lives anyway. But it does matter. Within weeks of quitting smoking the lungs will start to repair themselves and create healthy cells. It is never too late to quit smoking. If your senior loved one needs help to quit make an appointment with their doctor. The doctor may be able to prescribe medication that will help your senior loved one quit smoking.

Exercise Daily

Exercise has been compared to the fountain of youth when it comes to aging. Senior men should be getting at least 30 minutes of exercise at least five days each week. It doesn’t have to be strenuous exercise but going for a walk, riding a bike, playing tennis, or playing golf are all excellent ways for senior men to be active. If your dad isn’t someone that likes to exercise you should help him find an activity that he likes to do so that he will want to be more active. The more active he is the healthier he will be as he gets older.

Limit Alcohol

Alcohol in moderation is fine, but men have a tendency to overdo it when it comes to alcohol. Having a beer after dinner watching TV is not problem but drinking in excess or drinking every day could start to impact his health. If your dad enjoys a drink you should talk with him about how much alcohol is healthy and how much alcohol isn’t. If your senior dad can limit his alcohol consumption to just once and awhile or if he drinks only small amounts at one time it can help him avoid some serious health problems in the future.

Get Regular Medical Checkups

Men are less likely to see the doctor regularly and that can significantly hurt their chances of staying healthy. Catching age-related illnesses early can make a big difference in how long your father lives and what his quality of life is like. Get your dad started seeing his primary care doctor on a regular basis and getting regular cancer screenings so that if he does develop any serious health problems the doctor can start treating the problem as quickly as possible.


If you are considering home care in Henderson, NV, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

How to Encourage Your Senior Parent to Eat Healthy Foods

Personal Care at Home in Summerlin NV
Personal Care at Home in Summerlin NV

It can be so hard to encourage your elderly loved ones to make healthy life choices, especially if they grew up not focusing on health or eating right. Diet and health have gone through many trends and if your parents grew up a certain way, they may view health differently than you. A few generations ago being skinny meant you were too poor to eat. Now that mindset could not be any more wrong as obesity rises among US citizens.

It is crucial to help your senior eat healthily but how can you do that when you don’t live with your senior full time? If you notice your senior is struggling to eat on their own, going for quick foods, they may need help eating or cooking and this may require something like personal care at home.

As you become older, the concept of what constitutes a healthy diet shifts. You require fewer calories as you age since your metabolism slows down. Certain nutrients are also required by your body in larger amounts. As a result, it’s now more critical than ever to eat foods that are high in nutrients and fiber. Here are some good tips for getting your senior to eat healthily.

Understand What a Healthy Meal Looks Like

If you’re familiar with the USDA’s food pyramid, you’ll recognize this new method of determining what individuals should consume each day: You may find it under the name MyPlate. This straightforward diagram demonstrates how to properly arrange the five major food categories on your plate. For a healthy diet, these are the essentials. If you don’t know what a person should be eating, it can be hard to tell your mom or dad what to do.

Always Read the Label

A senior may not have grown up in a time when food had extra chemicals or was ever so processed. This means they may not know that they should be reading the nutrition label and sometimes this job will pass on to you. The nutrition label will help you understand how many servings should be eaten, what exactly is in something, how many calories, and how much sodium and carbs are in something. This information can be crucial when trying to make healthier choices.

Focus on Hydration

Seniors may not feel thirsty like they did when they were younger and because of this, they are at a higher risk of dehydration which is incredibly unhealthy. Drinking water is an essential nutrient, as well. Drink little quantities of water often throughout the day to avoid becoming dehydrated. Maintain a low intake of sugary and salty fluids, unless in cases when your doctor has advised you differently.

Personal Care at Home Care Help

When a senior chooses to age in place, it can be challenging for a family who works full time to help. This is another reason why personal care at home can be so useful. They will help your senior bathe, get dressed, and eat throughout the day. This can also be a way for seniors to feel like they have more independence rather than relying on their adult children.


If you are considering personal care at home in Summerlin, NV, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

Is Your Elderly Loved One Losing Sleep?

Home Care Assistance in Summerlin NV
Home Care Assistance in Summerlin NV

Has your elderly loved one been losing sleep? Maybe you have gone over to their house in the morning only to find that they are still asleep later than they normally would be. It could be that your elderly loved one is yawning through lunch or when talking to you on the phone. If they are losing sleep, it is best to find out why, so you can help them to do something about it.

Experienced a Loss

Has your elderly loved one recently experienced a loss? Many of us have, but for the elderly, it often hits them a bit differently. They know they don’t have a lot of years left to live and the more people they lose, the harder it can become, especially if the people they are losing are close to them. If your elderly loved one has experienced a loss, the grieving process may be keeping them up at night. If this is the case, it may be a good idea to have home care assistance spend the night at their house. That way, they have someone to talk to before bed and they don’t feel so alone.

Worrisome Nights

Another reason why your elderly loved one may be losing sleep is that they are worrying well into the night. The worries are a common reason that senior citizens can’t sleep. Think about it – when you can’t sleep are you worried about bills, family members, personal issues, or anything in particular or do you worry about just everything in general? This is likely the same for your elderly loved one, too. The things they worry about could be running through their mind at night and keeping them awake. If this is the case, it might be a good idea to have someone at their house who they can talk to before bed to get these worries off their mind.


Does your elderly loved one seem to wait until late in the evening to get things done? Maybe it is the dishes, vacuuming, making phone calls, watching their favorite television shows, or anything else really. If they are procrastinating during the day, they may be staying up too late trying to get things done. In addition, if they are trying to go to bed without things being finished for the day, they may be lying in bed thinking about everything they should be doing instead. If this is the case, it may be good to have someone around during the day time to help remind your elderly loved one to get things done. Home care providers can do this for your elderly loved one.


Has your elderly loved one been losing sleep? If so, it may be best to hire home care assistance to help them get better sleep. These providers can help them to stop procrastinating, get thoughts off their mind, and just feel more relaxed before bed.


If you are considering home care assistance in Summerlin, NV, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

Top Tips for Improved Heart Health in the Elderly

Senior Home Care in Summerlin NV
Senior Home Care in Summerlin NV

Heart disease is the number one cause of death throughout the United States. Nearly 700,000 people lost their life to this disease in 2020. While heart disease risk can be somewhat genetic, there are some lifestyle factors that have a strong impact on preventing heart health issues, as well. Senior home care will encourage your elderly loved one to follow through with these tips when you can’t be there:

Movement Should Be a Priority

One of the things that your elderly loved one should be doing to prevent heart health issues is moving around regularly. Studies show that people who walk between 8,000 to 12,000 steps a day have a much lower risk of heart health issues than people who walk fewer steps than this. In addition, other studies show that people who get up and move around a bit every hour or two are much healthier than those who sit around for hours at a time without getting up. You and home care providers can make sure movement is a priority for your elderly loved one.

No Smoking

Did you know that smoking isn’t only bad for the lungs? It is bad for the heart, as well. In fact, research shows that people who smoke have a much higher risk of strokes, heart attacks, and heart disease than non-smokers. It also shows that people who quit smoking have a lower risk of heart issues within the first 24 hours of not smoking. After more time, the heart disease and heart attack risk goes down even more.

Heart-Healthy Eating

How does your elderly loved one eat right now? Do they eat a lot of fatty, cholesterol-filled foods? If so, their risk of having heart issues is probably quite high. Studies show that in order to lower the risk of heart disease when it comes to the diet, people must eat heart-healthy foods and eliminate or limit sodium, cholesterol-filled foods. Some of the foods that should be avoided are fast foods, fried foods, packaged foods, and different kinds of margarine. Some of the foods that should be added to the diet are leafy greens, healthy fats, avocados, nuts, and olive oil. Eating a rounded, balanced diet is truly one of the best ways to prevent heart health issues.

Sleep Well, Sleep All Night

Did you know that senior citizens who get quality sleep and who sleep all night have a much lower risk of heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes? According to professional resources, sleep helps to repair damage in the body which includes any damage done to the heart. So, the better your elderly loved one sleeps, the better it will be for their heart.


These are some of the top tips for improved heart health in the elderly. Now that you have these tips, you can better prepare your elderly loved one for lifestyle changes they will need to make to protect their heart. Don’t forget that senior home care can help your elderly loved one to make these lifestyle changes.



If you are considering senior home care Summerlin, NV, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

Cold Prevention Tips for Your Elderly Loved One

Senior Home Care in Henderson NV
Senior Home Care in Henderson NV

While many people are taking steps to reduce the risk of contracting the COVID-19 virus and other illnesses, it’s still possible to come down with a cold. If you are caring for your elderly loved one, there are some cold prevention tips that can be shared with them. If your elderly loved one follows through with each of these tips, they will have a much lower chance of getting sick from a cold.

Hand Washing

One of the best tips for preventing a cold is hand washing. There are many resources out there that talk about how long someone should wash their hands and how to get the hands fully clean. In addition, by having your elderly loved one wash their hands regularly, it can help to prevent the spread of their germs to others and to their face. By doing this, they not only reduce the risk of others getting sick but lower the chances of themselves catching a cold or getting other illnesses, too.

Prevent Face Touching

Another reason that people often catch a cold easily is that they are touching their faces a lot. The more someone touches their face, the more chances there are for germs to spread into their nose and mouth – increasing the chances of getting sick. If you notice your elderly loved one touches their face a lot, it may be a good idea to have a senior home care provider who can remind them not to do this. If your elderly loved one can break this habit, they can keep themselves healthier.

Regular House Cleaning

Another way that your elderly loved one can lower their chances of catching a cold is by cleaning their house regularly. Research shows that germs are mostly on countertops, doorknobs, and other surfaces in the home. If someone doesn’t clean their house regularly, the germs are likely to get spread through the air and onto hands. Then, when someone touches others or their own face, the germs can spread, causing everyone to have an increased risk of getting sick. A senior home care provider can work with your elderly loved one to keep their home clean.


Do you feel that your elderly loved one is getting sick a lot? What about during the winter months or when spring is almost here? Does your elderly loved one catch colds often? If this is the case, you should encourage them to follow the tips noted above. These tips can significantly reduce their risk of catching a cold. Not only that, but if your elderly loved one follows through with those tips, they can reduce their chances of spreading germs to other people, too.

If your elderly loved one has already gotten sick, a senior home care provider can help monitor their condition while you are away. Elderly people can get sick very fast, even from the common cold. If your elderly loved one doesn’t seem to be doing well, make sure they see a doctor as soon as possible.


If you are considering senior home care in Henderson, NV, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

How Seniors Can Make Healthy Meals With Canned Food

Home Care in Summerlin NV
Home Care in Summerlin NV

Canned food is something that seniors should keep in their kitchen cupboards. Canned food is easy to cook with, it lasts for a long time, and it can be a healthy alternative to using fresh vegetables that might go bad or require a lot of preparation. Just make sure that your senior loved one has a can opener that someone with limited grip strength can use. February is National Canned Food month. It’s a great time for seniors and their families to learn these easy ways to use canned food to make healthy meals:

Canned Meats Are A Great Protein Source

Canned meats are a great source of protein for seniors. They come in small cans or large cans so seniors who are on their own don’t need to buy a lot of food they won’t eat. And canned meats like tuna, salmon, and chicken can be eaten in many different ways that easy to prepare. Canned salmon and tuna are a fantastic source of healthy Omega 3 fatty acids too. Seniors can mix tuna and salmon with spices and dressing for a delicious protein rich dish. Canned chicken can be added to green salads, thrown into soups, or tossed into a pasta sauce to add some healthy protein.

Rinse Canned Vegetables For Better Flavor

Canned vegetables are an easy to make alternative to fresh or frozen vegetables. They just need to be heated and they’re ready to go. But sometimes people find the taste of canned vegetables a little salty. To get canned vegetables to taste as good as frozen vegetables your senior loved one just needs to rinse them off before cooking them. Rinsing them in a little cold water will restore the great taste of canned vegetables.

Make One Pot Meals With Canned Foods

Often seniors prefer to make easy meals, especially if they have mobility challenges. A home care provider can help seniors cook more complicated meals with fresh ingredients. But, when seniors are alone, canned foods make it easy for them to make healthy one pot dishes. Seniors can make a delicious quick and easy one pot meal by adding their favorite canned vegetables to some rice or pasta. They can toss in some beans, chickpeas, or canned chicken for protein and within minutes sit down to a delicious meal all made in one pot.

Canned Fruit Is Great For Dessert

Seniors who are watching their weight can enjoy a sweet treat anytime of the year with canned fruit. As long as the fruit is packed in water and not sugary syrup canned fruit is a great dessert for seniors. The fruit is soft and easy to eat. It’s already portioned in appropriate servings. And since canned foods last for a long time seniors won’t have to worry about the fruit going bad before they can eat it.


If you are considering home care in Summerlin, NV, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

Tips for Keeping the Mind Sharp as a Senior Citizen

24-Hour Home Care in Las Vegas NV
24-Hour Home Care in Las Vegas NV

Are you worried about your elderly loved one’s mental state? Does it seem like they are forgetting things more often, but they don’t have Alzheimer’s disease? You might even notice that your elderly loved one just isn’t doing much physically or mentally. If this is the case, there are some tips to help them keep their mind sharp that you and 24-hour home care providers can help with, if needed.

Improving Physical Health

Physical health and mental health do go hand in hand. For example, studies show that people who exercise regularly have better memory, concentration, and focus. If your elderly loved one isn’t exercising often, you can help them to create an exercise plan. If they stick to that plan or, at the very least, start exercising regularly, it can help to keep their mind sharp. As always, consult with your senior’s primary care physician before beginning any exercise regimen.

Lowering High Blood Pressure

Did you know that high blood pressure can affect one’s mental state? Many people who have high blood pressure often feel overwhelmed and stressed. Sure, there are physical health reasons such as lowering the risk for heart disease for why your elderly loved one should manage their blood pressure. However, lowering their blood pressure can also help to keep their mind active and sharp. If your elderly loved one needs to take prescription blood pressure medications, you or a senior care provider can remind them to take those.

Regular Brain Games

Another way that your elderly loved one can keep their mind sharp is to play regular brain games. There are a range of online websites and apps that your elderly loved one can use to challenge their mind. There are also other brain games they can play or do such as:

  • Brain teasers
  • Board puzzles
  • Trivia games

If your elderly loved one doesn’t want to do these on their own and you can’t be there to play the games with them, you can hire 24-hour home care providers to help with this.


These are just some of the many ways that your elderly loved one can keep their mind sharp. Now that you know about these tips, be sure to share them with your elderly loved one. You can ask them if they would like help in following through with any of these recommendations. If so, you or a home care provider can assist them. If, at any point, you are truly concerned about your elderly loved one’s mental or brain health, have them see their doctor about any issues that are happening at that time.


If you are considering 24-hour home care in Las Vegas, NV, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

Proper Handwashing Tips During the Covid-19 Pandemic and Flu Season

Elder Care in Summerlin NV
Elder Care in Summerlin NV

The Covid-19 pandemic is still going on as we all know. It is still very important that everyone washes their hands and takes safety precautions to prevent or at least keep the spread of Covid to a minimum. Proper hand washing tips should still be shared to remind people to prevent the spread of germs. However, it is also important to note that flu season is here now, as well. Proper hand washing can help to reduce the spread of flu germs, too.

Take the Proper Steps

It is important that you and your elderly loved one are taking the proper steps to wash your hands. The steps that should be taken include:

  • Use warm water to wet your hands
  • Cover hands with soap (get in between fingers and under nails)
  • Scrub hands completely for 20 seconds minimum
  • Rinse your hands with warm water
  • Dry hands and put the towel in the dirty clothes

It is crucial that people in the home aren’t sharing a towel. If your elderly loved one needs more hand towels, you or an elder care provider can go to the store to get more towels for their home.

Washing Long Enough

It is very important that you and your elderly loved one are washing your hands long enough. Just washing hands for a few seconds isn’t going to get the germs off. Depending on which health website you look at, they may have different recommendations for the length of time to wash hands. However, it is crucial that you and your elderly loved one are washing your hands for no less than 20 seconds. Even if they are going to use hand sanitizer, it should be rubbed onto the hands fully, not just applied quickly.

When to Wash Hands

Another thing to keep in mind is when you and your elderly loved one should be washing your hands. The times that it is a must to wash your hands to help prevent the spread of germs are:

  • After using the bathroom
  • When getting home from a public area
  • Before eating
  • After getting groceries

If you and your elderly loved one can wash your hands during these times, at the very minimum, it can reduce the chances of getting Covid-19 and the flu.


These are some of the proper handwashing tips for you and your elderly loved one during the Covid pandemic and flu season. Doing these tips all year round would be the most effective and helpful.



If you are considering elder care in Summerlin, NV, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.